Report Form
This form is to be used for reporting sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment of inmates/clients/residents under the care, custody or control of the Orange County Corrections Department. Such incidents shall include, but may not be limited to the alleged misconduct of staff, inmates, other government employees, any other law enforcement or correctional agency, vendors, contractors, visitors or any other individual authorized to be present and/or to conduct business with the Orange County Corrections Department and/or to have contact with inmates under their care and custody.
Orange County Corrections Dept.
Administration Building, 4th floor
3723 Vision Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32839
PREA Coordinator:
Tris James
Phone: (407) 254-8208
Email: Tris.James@ocfl.net
All e-mail sent to this address becomes part of Orange County public record. Comments received by our e-mail subsystem can be read by anyone who requests that privilege. In compliance with "Government in the Sunshine" laws, Orange County Government must make available, at request, any and all information not deemed a threat to the security of law enforcement agencies and personnel.