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01 CENTRAL FLORIDA EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITYA. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE B. PUBLIC COMMENT Pursuant to Section 286.0114, Florida Statutes and CFX Rule 1-1.011, the Board provides for an opportunity for public comment at the beginning of each regular meeting. The Public may address the Board on any matter of public interest under the Board's authority and jurisdiction, regardless of whether the matter is on the Board's agenda but excluding pending procurement issues. Public Comment speakers that are present and have submitted their completed Public Comment form to the Recording Secretary at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting will be called to speak. Each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes. Any member of the public may also submit written comments which, if received during regular business hours at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, will be included as part of the record and distributed to the Board members in advance of the meeting. C. APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 12, 2024 BOARD MEETING MINUTES (action item) D. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (action item) E. REPORTS 1. Chairman’s Report 2. Treasurer’s Report 3. Executive Director’s Report F. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 1. BOARD OFFICER ELECTIONS – Commissioner Brandon Arrington, Chairman (action item) 2. TRANSPORTATION BOARD APPOINTMENTS - Chairman (action item) • Metroplan Representative and Alternate • TEAMFL Representative 3. I-4 UPDATE AND FDOT/CFX COORDINATION EXCELLENCE – John Tyler, District Five Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation and Keith Slater, Director, Corridors Program Office-Moving I-4 Forward Program (info item) 4. PLANNING PROJECTS UPDATE – Will Hawthorne, Director of Transportation Planning & Policy (info item) G. BOARD MEMBER COMMENT H. ADJOURNMENT